GamePatchPlanet - Half-Life 2: Episode Two Cheats, Codes, Trainers, Patch Updates, Demos

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Half-Life 2: Episode Two

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Game Info

Game Release Date: USA: October/10/2007
Game Developer: Valve Corporation
Game Publisher: Valve Corporation
Game Description: Half-Life 2: Episode Two is the second in a trilogy of new games created by Valve that extends the award-winning and best-selling Half-Life adventure.
As Dr. Gordon Freeman, you were last seen exiting City 17 with Alyx Vance as the Citadel erupted amidst a storm of unknown proportions. In Episode Two, you must battle and race against Combine forces as you traverse the White Forest to deliver a crucial information packet stolen from the Citadel to an enclave of fellow resistance scientists.
Episode Two extends the award-winning Half-Life gameplay with unique weapons, vehicles, and newly-spawned creatures.

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Game Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes
Start Steam and go to the "Play Games" menu, and select Half-Life 2: Episode Two. Right click it and select "Properties". Click the "Launch Options" button then type -console Click "OK", then close it. Double click "Half-Life 2: Episode Two" to start the game. Once it is loaded during gameplay press ~ (Tilde) to bring up the console window. Then, enter sv_cheats 1 and press Enter to enable cheat mode. You can now enter the following codes at the console window. Any code can be used as a command line parameter by prefixing it with the "-" character. Depending on your game version you may need to do the following first: Using a text editor edit the "ep2cfgconfig.cfg" file in the game directory. Set the value of the "con_enable" line to "1". Check the "toggleconsole" line to make sure it is bound to a key, the default is ~ (Tilde).
Now during gameplay press ~ (Tilde) to bring up the console window and type sv_cheats 1 to enable cheat mode. You can now enter one of the following codes, you can also use the cheats from the original Half-Life 2:
sv_cheats 0 - Disable cheat mode
ai_disable -Toggle enemy artificial intelligence 
buddha - Toggle Buddha mode, damage does not result in death 
ch_createairboat - Spawn airboat 
ch_createjeep - Spawn jeep 
god - Toggle God mode 
hurtme <number> - Lose indicated number of health points 
impulse 101 - All weapons and ammunition 
mat_wireframe 1 - Wireframe mode 
noclip - No clipping mode 
notarget - Toggle ignored by enemies 
r_modelwireframedecal 1 - Display damage done to enemy in wireframe mode 
sv_noclipduringpause 1 - Allows no clipping while game is paused 
sv_infinite_aux_power 1 - Unlimited auxiliary power 
showtriggers 0 - Shows trigger brushes when set to 0 
bind - Bind key to console command 
cl_showfps <0 or 1> - Toggle display of frame rate and filename of current map 
cl_showpos <0 or 1> - Toggle current position and angle display 
crosshair <0 or 1> - Toggle crosshair 
getpos - Display current positional co-ordinates 
give <name> - Spawn item, one time only 
givecurrentammo - Full ammo for current weapon; only refills secondary ammo if it was last fired; does not refill empty weapons 
cl_ragdoll_collide 1 - Ragdolls do not clip through other ragdolls 
jpeg - Save screenshot to "episodicscreenshots.<number>" 
kill - Commit suicide 
'map' <name> - Load indicated map to a specific map
maps * - List map names 
perfui 1 - Level performance tools 
playdemo - Play back existing demo 
record - Records a demo of your game 
reload - Reload current save file 
restart - Restart the current level 
setang - Set view direction 
setpos <coordinates> - Set position on the map 
shake - Shake your character 
stop - Stop demo recording 
sv_gravity <number> - Set gravity; default is "600" 
exec 360controller - Enable use of wired Xbox 360 controller 

NPC Names
Use one of the following names with the above npc_create code:
npc_alyx - Alyx 
npc_antlion - Antlion 
npc_antlionguard - Antlion Guard 
npc_barnacle - Barnacle 
npc_barney - Barney 
npc_breen - Breen 
npc_turret_ceiling - Ceiling Turret 
npc_citizen - City 17 Citizen 
npc_combinedropship - Combine Dropship 
npc_combinegunship - Combine Gunship 
npc_helicopter - Combine Helicopter 
npc_metropolice - Combine Metrocop 
npc_cscanner - Combine Scanner 
npc_combine_s - Combine Soldier 
npc_crabsynth - Crab Synth 
npc_crow - Crow 
npc_dog - Dog 
npc_eli - Eli 
npc_headcrab_fast - Fast Headcrab 
npc_fastzombie - Fast Zombie 
npc_monk - Father Gregori 
npc_turret_floor - Floor Turret 
npc_gman - Gman 
npc_headcrab - Headcrab 
npc_launcher - Headcrab Launcher 
npc_ichthyosaur - Ichthyosaur 
npc_kleiner - Kleiner 
npc_manhack - Manhack 
npc_mortarsynth - Mortar Synth 
npc_mossman - Mossman 
npc_pigeon - Pigeon 
npc_headcrab_poison - Poison Headcrab 
npc_headcrab_black - Poison Headcrab 
npc_poisonzombie - Poison Zombie 
npc_rollermine - Rollermine 
npc_seagull - Seagull 
npc_stalker - Stalker 
npc_strider - Strider 
npc_vortigaunt - Vortigaunt 
npc_zombie - Zombie 
npc_zombie_torso - Zombie without legs 
npc_zombine - Zombine (Combine Zombie) 

Game Demos


Game Patch Updates


Game Trainers

Half-Life 2: Episode Two v1.0 +15 Trainer
| File Size: 453 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: Xblade |


Trainer options:
- Infinite Health
- Infinite Light
- Infinite Stamina/Run
- Infinite Weapons (All)
- Infinite Protection Suit
Half-Life 2: Episode Two *Steam* v1.0 +15 Trainer
| File Size: 447 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: Xblade |


Trainer options:
- Infinite Health
- Infinite Light
- Infinite Stamina/Run
- Infinite Weapons (All)
- Infinite Protection Suit
Half-Life 2: Episode Two * Steam* build 2044480 +6 Trainer
| File Size: 1.83 MB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: HoG |


Trainer options:
- Infinite Health 
- Infinite Shield Energy 
- Infinite Suit Energy 
- Unlimited Ammo 
- Unlimited Grenades 
- No Reload 
- Unlimited Flashlight Energy
Half-Life 2: Episode Two * Steam* build 2257546 +6 Trainer
| File Size: 1.83 MB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: HoG |


Trainer options:
- Infinite Health 
- Infinite Shield Energy 
- Infinite Suit Energy 
- Unlimited Ammo 
- Unlimited Grenades 
- No Reload 
- Unlimited Flashlight Energy
Half-Life 2: Episode Two *Steam* v1.0 +6 Trainer
| File Size: 192 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: dR.oLLe |


Half-Life 2: Episode Two *Source Engine* *32 Bit* build 2257546 +5 Trainer
| File Size: 3.71 MB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: Russian | Author: Baracuda |



Game Patch Fixes


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