GamePatchPlanet - Half-Life 2: Episode One Cheats, Codes, Trainers, Patch Updates, Demos

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Half-Life 2: Episode One

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Game Info

Game Release Date: USA: June/1/2006
Game Developer: Valve Corporation
Game Publisher: Valve Corporation
Game Description: Half-Life 2: Episode One is the first in a series of new adventures created by Valve that extends the Half-Life 2 single player experience.
Stepping into the hazard suit of Dr. Gordon Freeman, you face the immediate repercussions of your actions in City 17 and the Citadel. Rejoin Alyx Vance and her robot, Dog, to once again aid the human resistance in their desperate battle against the totalitarian alien menace of the Combine.
Episode One exposes Alyx's combat skills and knowledge of City 17 as the player battles side-by-side with her in this 4-6 hour adventure of greater density and detail than non-episodic releases.
The intense gameplay delivered in Episode One is made possible only by Source, Valve’s proprietary engine technology, which has been enhanced with new rendering technology and advanced artificial intelligence to deliver new levels of graphics and character interaction.

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Game Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes
Start Steam and go to the "Play Games" menu, and select Half-Life 2: Episode One. Right click it and select "Properties". Click the "Launch Options" button then type -console Click "OK", then close it. Double click "Half-Life 2: Episode One" to start the game. Once it is loaded during gameplay press ~ (Tilde) to bring up the console window. Then, enter sv_cheats 1 and press Enter to enable cheat mode. You can now enter the following codes at the console window. Any code can be used as a command line parameter by prefixing it with the "-" character. Note: For games that were downloaded from Steam, to use cheats in single player mode, start the game with the -applaunch -dev -tconsole command line. You can also use the cheats from the original Half-Life 2.
noclip - Walk through objects (server only)
god - God mode (server only)
notarget - Ignored by NPCs
give <item name> - Spawn indicated item
buddha - Reduce your health
hurtme <amount> - Damage player
impulse 101 - All weapons
maps - List maps
map <map name> - Load indicated map
sk_max_357 <number> - Set max ammo for .357 Magnum
sk_max_ar2 <number> - Set max ammo for Pulse Rifle
sk_max_ar2_altfire <number> - Set max ammo for Pulse Rifle energy orbs
sk_max_buckshot <number> - Set max ammo for shotgun
sk_max_crossbow <number> - Set max ammo for crossbow
sk_max_grenade <number> - Set max ammo for hand grenades
sk_max_pistol <number> - Set max ammo for pistol
sk_max_rpg_round <number> - Set max ammo for RPG
sk_max_smg1 <number> - Set max ammo for submachine gun
sk_max_smg1_grenade <number> - Set max ammo for SMG grenades
sk_plr_dmg_pistol <number> - Set damage value for pistol
sk_plr_dmg_357 <number> - Set damage value for .357 Magnum
sk_plr_dmg_ar2 <number> - Set damage value for Pulse Rifle
sk_plr_dmg_buckshot <number> - Set damage value for shotgun
sk_plr_dmg_crossbow <number> - Set damage value for crossbow
sk_plr_dmg_crowbar <number> - Set damage value for crowbar
sk_plr_dmg_grenade <number> - Set damage value for grenades
sk_plr_dmg_rpg_round <number> - Set damage value for RPG rockets
sk_plr_dmg_smg1 <number> - Set damage value for submachine gun
sk_plr_dmg_smg1_grenade <number> - Set damage value for SMG grenades

Map Names
Use one of the following map names with the above map code:
ep1_background01 - Looking up at the citadel (glitch) 
ep1_background01a - Looking in the car garage (glitch) 
ep1_background02 - Looking off into the damaged City 17 (glitch) 
ep1_c17_00 - Beginning of Chapter 3 
ep1_c17_00a - City 17 after the first load point 
ep1_c17_01 - Beginning of Chapter 4 
ep1_c17_02 - Chapter 4 City 17 after the first load point 
ep1_c17_02a - Chapter 4 City 17 after the second load point 
ep1_c17_02b - Chapter 4 City 17 after the third load point 
ep1_c17_05 - Last Chapter 
ep1_c17_06 - Last Chapter near the end 
ep1_citadel_00 - Introduction 
ep1_citadel_01 - Citadel after the first load point 
ep1_citadel_02 - Citadel after the second load point 
ep1_citadel_02b - Citadel before the lift ride 
ep1_citadel_03 - Citadel after the third load point 
ep1_citadel_04 - Near the end of the Citadel 

NPC Names
Use one of the following names with the above npc_create code:
npc_alyx - Alyx
npc_antlionguard - Antlion guard
npc_antlion - Antlion
npc_barnacle - Barnacle
npc_barney - Barney
npc_breen - Breen
npc_turret_ceiling - Ceiling Turret
npc_citizen - City 17 Citizen
npc_cscanner - Combine Scanner
npc_combine_s - Combine Soldier
npc_crow - Crow
npc_dog - Dog
npc_fastzombie - Fast Zombie
npc_hunter - Hunter (Early version of the game)
npc_pigeon - Pigeon
npc_seagull - Seagull
npc_stalker - Stalker
npc_strider - Strider
npc_vortigaunt - Vortigaunt
npc_zombie_torso - Zombie without legs
npc_zombie - Zombie
npc_zombine - Zombine (Combine Zombie)

Item names
Use the following name with the above give code:
weapon_hopwire - Black Hole grenade

Game Demos


Game Patch Updates


Game Trainers

Half-Life 2: Episode One v1.0 +9 Trainer
| File Size: 57 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: UNLEASHED |


Trainer options:
- Give 100 Health
- Infinite Armor
- Infinite Ammunition
- Infinite Health Aide
- Infinite Power Aide
- Infinite Auxiliary Power
- Enemy Freeze
- 1 Hit Kills
- Low Gravity / Super Jump
Half-Life 2: Episode One v08.11.2010 +2 Trainer
| File Size: 103 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: iNSANiTY |


Trainer options:
- Infinite Ammo
- Low Gravity
Half-Life 2: Episode One *Steam* build 2044480 +6 Trainer
| File Size: 1.83 MB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: HoG |


Trainer options:
- Infinite Health 
- Infinite Shield Energy 
- Infinite Suit Energy 
- Unlimited Ammo 
- Unlimited Grenades 
- No Reload 
- Unlimited Flashlight Energy
Half-Life 2: Episode One *Steam* build 2257546 +6 Trainer
| File Size: 1.83 MB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: HoG |


Trainer options:
- Infinite Health 
- Infinite Shield Energy 
- Infinite Suit Energy 
- Unlimited Ammo 
- Unlimited Grenades 
- No Reload 
- Unlimited Flashlight Energy
Half-Life 2: Episode One *Steam* v1.0 +6 Trainer
| File Size: 192 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: dR.oLLe |



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