GamePatchPlanet - Call of Duty: United Offensive Cheats, Codes, Trainers, Patch Updates, Demos

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Call of Duty: United Offensive

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Official Game Link

Game Info

Game Release Date: USA: September/14/2004
Game Developer: Gray Matter Interactive
Game Publisher: Activision
Game Description: This next chapter in the Call of Duty franchise raises the brand's trademark cinematic intensity to unprecedented heights with all new single-player levels, plus an enhanced multiplayer experience with new maps and new modes of play. Once again looking through the eyes of American, British and Russian soldiers, Call of Duty: United Offensive thrusts players alongside their squadmates into more authentic action across Fortress Europe's most historic battlefields.

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Game Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes
Right click your Call of Duty desktop shortcut, choose Properties and in the Target Field add this: +set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0 Then during game play press ~ (tilde) to bring up the console and type one of the following cheats and then press Enter. Add the appropriate variable between the < > tags:
Invincibility - god
Full health - give health
Ammunition - give ammo
Get all items - give all
Flamethrower ammunition - give flamethrower
Spawn indicated item - give <item name>
Ignored by enemy - notarget
No clipping mode - noclip
Toggle debug mode - debug <0-1>
Toggle developer mode - developer <0-1>
Fly mode - ufo
Teleport to a specific map node - jumptonode <number>
Play indicated map - map <map name>
Suicide - kill
List all cvars - cvarlist
Dump all cvars to console - cvardump
Reset all cvars - cvar_restart
List all console commands - cmdlist
List all shaders of current map - shaderlist
List all images of current map - imagelist
List all sounds currently used - snd_list
List all entities currently used - entitylist
List all currently bound keys - bindlist
View graphics information - gfxinfo
Save game - savegame
Load saved game - loadgame
Reset variable to default value - reset <variable name>
Play a cinematic file - cinematic
Set crosshair transparency; default is 1.0 - cg_crosshairAlpha <number>
Set gravity value; default is 800 - g_gravity <number>
Set HUD transparency; default is 1.0 - cg_hudAlpha <number>
Set seconds that dead bodies remain on-screen - ai_corpsecount <number>
Set shellshock duration - cg_shellshock <number>
Set skill level - g_gameSkill <number>
Set weapon knockback power; default is 1000 - g_knockback <number>
Show miss distance when hitting NPCs - cg_showMiss <0-1>
Spawn indicated model - testmodel <model name>
Free movement while paused - cl_paused 2
Return to normal paused screen - cl_paused 0
Set game speed; 0.5 is half speed, 1 is default - timescale <number>
Toggle AI - g_ai <0 or 1>
Toggle bullet debug mode - g_debugBullets <0 or 1>
Toggle bullet marks - cg_marks <0 or 1>
Toggle console debugging. - con_debug <0 or 1>
Toggle crosshair - cg_drawCrosshair <0 or 1>
Toggle ejecting shells - cg_brass <0 or 1>
Toggle entity bounding boxes - g_drawEntBBoxes v
Toggle fog - r_fog <0 or 1>
Toggle framerate displae - cg_drawFPS <0 or 1>
Toggle FX - fx_draw <0 or 1>
Toggle FX debugging. - fx_debug <0 or 1>
Toggle FX freezing - fx_freeze <0 or 1>
Toggle fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabled. - fx_enable <0 or 1>
Toggle game timer - cg_drawTimer <0 or 1>
Toggle hit debug mode - g_debugShowHit <0 or 1>
Toggle HUD - cg_drawStatus <0 or 1>
Toggle HUD and crosshair - cg_draw2D <0 or 1>
Toggle letterbox format - cg_letterbox <0 or 1>
Toggle NPC health display - g_debugDamage <0 or 1>
Toggle objects and backgrounds - r_drawWorld <0 or 1>
Toggle objects and NPCs - r_drawEntities <0 or 1>
Toggle player and AI movement debug mode - g_debugMove <0 or 1>
Toggle player and AI movement debugging. - cl_debugMove <0 or 1>
Toggle rendring - cg_noRender <0 or 1>
Toggle shadows. - cg_shadows <0 or 1>
Toggle spawning - g_spawnai <0 or 1>
Toggle subtitles - cg_subtitles <0 or 1>
Toggle third person view - cg_thirdPerson <0 or 1>
Toggle vehicle debug mode - g_vehicleDebug <0 or 1>
Toggle wireframe mode - r_showtris <0 or 1>
Hold [Shoot] to autofire rifles - weapon 32
Players arm and gun invisible - cg_drawgun <0 or 1>
Restart current level - map_restart
Toggle display where you can access via blue lines - r_showportals <0 or 1>
Toggle ground and other stationary textures are white - r_lightmap <0 or 1>
Toggle lines where the light comes through the leaves - r_showLeafLights <0 or 1>
Toggle multicolors - r_measureOverdraw <0 or 1>
Toggle numbers on each texture - r_showtricounts <0 or 1>
Toggle random textures turn invisible - r_lockpvs <0 or 1>
Toggle remove sky - r_fastsky <0 or 1>
Toggle script display over important soldiers and objects - g_entinfo <0 or 1>
Your gun disappears - testgun
Unknown? - debug_tankall <0 or 1>
Unknown? - chain <0 or 1>
Unknown? - ai_nocriticalsections <0 or 1>
Unknown? - cg_skybox <0 or 1>
Unknown? - cg_stats <0 or 1>
Unknown? - cg_noPredict <0 or 1>
Unknown? - cg_selectPlayer
Unknown? - cg_tracerChance
Unknown? - cg_ignore <0 or 1>
Unknown? - cl_run <0 or 1>
Unknown? - cl_running <0 or 1>
Unknown? - dmflags <0 or 1>
Unknown? - g_changelevel_time

Map Name List
Use one of the following map names with the above map code cheat:
Mission 1: Bastogne 1 - bastogne1
Mission 3: Foy - foy
Mission 2: Bastogne 2 - bastogne2
Mission 4: Noville - noville
Mission 5: Bomber - bomber
Mission 6: Train Bridge - trainbridge
Mission 7: Sicily 1 - sicily1
Mission 9: Trenches - trenches
Mission 10: Ponyri - ponyri
Mission 8: Sicily 2 - sicily2
Mission 11: Kursk - kursk
Mission 12: Kharkov 1 - kharkov1
Mission 13: Kharkov 2 - kharkov2

Game Demos


Game Patch Updates


Game Trainers

Call of Duty: United Offensive v1.0 +12 Trainer
| File Size: 81.5 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: aGES |


Trainer options:
- Infinite Health
- Infinite Ammo
- Weapon Accuracy on
- Translocation Ammo
- Brainwash Ammo
- 1 Hit Kill
- Save Checkpoint Position
- Restore Checkpoint Position
- Super Jump
- Super Speed
- Mouse Over Allied Health
- Grenade Detonation Installation
- Trigger Grenade Detonation
- Friend of The People
Call of Duty: United Offensive v1.41 +15 Trainer
| File Size: 176 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: German | Author: GTC |


Call of Duty: United Offensive Unlocker
| File Size: 16.9 MB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: FFF |


Call of Duty: United Offensive Unlocker
| File Size: 16.7 MB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: ReVOLVeR |



Game Patch Fixes

Call of Duty: United Offensive English to French Patch
| File Size: 67 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: FFF |


Call of Duty: United Offensive Minimizer
| File Size: 7.48 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: CiTRON-X |


Put the .exe-files in your Call Of Duty folder and use them to start the game. You'll now be able to press ALT+TAB in game.
Call of Duty: United Offensive Multiplayer Solo Crash Fix
| File Size: 64.8 KB | File Format: .zip | Language Version: n/a | Author: FFF |


When you play on internet if you download some maps, game may freeze. This patch correct this problem.

Quand vous jouer sur internet et vous telecharger des maps , le jeu peut plante , ce patch corrige ce bug.
Call of Duty: United Offensive Single Player/Multiplayer 1440x900 Widescreen Patch
| File Size: 52.9 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: TEAMZiZi |


Call of Duty: United Offensive USA to Spanish Patch
| File Size: 63.8 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: n/a | Author: FFF |


Call of Duty: United Offensive v1.0 No CD Patch/Play Fix Exe
| File Size: 680 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: English | Author: MONEY |


Call of Duty: United Offensive v1.0 No CD Patch/Play Fix Exe
| File Size: 683 KB | File Format: .rar | Language Version: English | Author: Starfuckers |



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