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Trainer Tutorials

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This section of the site is dedicated to Trainer Tutorials to help everyone get a better understanding of how Game Trainers are made and how they function.

How to Make a CMD Button in VB6

You can view this tutorial in its original format here
How To Make A CMD Button In VB6

Add a command button first.
well This is Not TMK , and you cant Put Poke 234252 23 , you have to put the codes in this way i explain it to you.
For Example GPS On code is

Poke 0042697C 90 90

in TMK well that is in TMK if you put your codes in that way in VB the VB gets error, Now YOu have to delete The poke in each code for VB trainer , so you have to put

( Call WriteAInt

at the begging of the code so it becomes like

thisCall WriteAInt 0042697c 90 90

This wont work too , so You have to put the address in Parenthesis

Call WriteAInt (0042697c 90 90)

now You have to Put (&H) at the begging of each Value so it becomes like this

Call WriteAInt(&H42697C, &H9090)

and delete the space between Those 9090 , you have to clean any spaces between Hex so if the address is 00543634 90 90 90 , you have to get rid of those spaces between 90 90 90 so the Code in VB becomes like this

Call WriteAInt(&H543634, &H909090)

that is what it looks Like when you Put the codes


If You Have two line of codes like this

87940 90 90 43253 90 FF

You cant put Call WriteAInt in the begging of each code line For the EVEN line you have to put Call WriteAByte at the .so that Code will be written In VB like this:

Call WriteAInt (&h87940, &h9090)
Call WriteAByte (&h43253, &h90FF)

Another Example , Saw Scope For Df2 in VB will be written in this way :

Call WriteAInt(&H44E6EC, &H9090)
Call WriteAByte(&H44C81B, &HEB)
Call WriteAInt(&H44EBC4, &HFF24)
Call WriteAByte(&H79A698, &H2)

you can look at each codes and find the tricks in it , ;).
You Can change Your Button look by select Your Button ( command ) and then go to its properties and read the options and change it by Ur Idea.
You Can Make your trainer Now , if You are done with ur codes and you need to get back to Ur Object page you can follow this way :
there is View On Top Toolbar click that and then Choose Object .then you will get back to your Object Part of your Project. And When You are Done with your Trainer you Can Make Your EXE by following this way :
Just Press File at the Top Tool bar and then CHoose "Make" whatever.exe . That is all then your Trainer is Done , If you end this TUTS and you can use them and Operate them and you are done with it , then you have made Trainer with VB with Shorter Size than TMK.
Any Way Some of you may have known VB before , but you didnt know VB template , for those who didn't know any thing about VB before , i have more tuts , like how to make freeze Button and some other cool stuff.

Tutorial Written By x-UnDeaD...FINNALY DONE :):):)

contact :undead@extalia.com

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